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Antony Antoniou – Luxury Property Expert

August 2022

Gazundering is back

Gazundering is back

Gazundering is back What is Gazundering? House buyers reducing offers before exchanging contracts The housing market is cooling off and some buyers are taking advantage Property buyers are gazundering sellers as the housing market responds to the cost-of-living crisis. Although it has been a sellers’ market for a few years, rising interest rates mean the market is… Read More »Gazundering is back

Should Property Investors Be Buying New-Build or Existing Properties

Should Property Investors Be Buying New-Build or Existing Properties?

Should Property Investors Be Buying New-Build or Existing Properties?   Should property investors looking for a better return on their investment be purchasing new-build homes or existing properties? New research has revealed that if investors wanted to make more of a profit on their property purchase in the past year… Read More »Should Property Investors Be Buying New-Build or Existing Properties?

Who really pays VAT

Who really pays VAT?

Who really pays VAT? Value Added Tax was introduced then the UK joined the ‘Common Market’ in 1973 Another unfair tax that disproportionately disadvantages the working class, but how unfair is it? VAT was introduced in 1973 to replace purchase tax, a 33.3 per cent tax on goods classed as… Read More »Who really pays VAT?