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Antony Antoniou – Luxury Property Expert


Articles about anything relating to property, from the state of the market, to mortgages and investments & developments.

Property Q&A

Property Q&A Introduction

I have been involved in property for over three decades, during which time, I have experienced all manner of successes and problems. I have seen interest rates rocket overnight, putting perfectly solvent families in dire straits, I have seen the explosion of the Buy-to-Let market, that brought with it a… Read More »Property Q&A Introduction

Why we should leave the EU

On the 5th June, 1975, the British public voted in a referendum regarding membership to the EEC, The European Economic Community, which was founded on the 25th March 1957 by Benelux, France, West Germany and Italy and sold to the British nation as a free trade agreement between member states.… Read More »Why we should leave the EU

Office worker launches Britain’s first major legal challenge to use of surveillance technology

Office worker who was captured by police facial recognition camera while Christmas shopping launches Britain’s first major legal challenge to use of surveillance technology. The BBC reported that Ed Bridges decided to launch legal action after being picked up by a facial recognition unit on two occasions. Ed Bridges had… Read More »Office worker launches Britain’s first major legal challenge to use of surveillance technology

The Loneliness Epidemic

[youtube] We are the first generation of humans, since time began who are actually disbanding our tribes. Mankind is tribal, it is our ability to unite and cooperate that has enabled us to survive and prosper through hunter gatherer to the agrarian society. Humans have always sought to be… Read More »The Loneliness Epidemic