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Antony Antoniou – Luxury Property Expert

Developers are Manipulating Property Prices

Developers are Manipulating Property Prices

The UK Property Market: A Game of Manipulation


Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. Today, I want to shed some light on a pressing issue that has been plaguing the UK property market for years. It’s a story of manipulation, orchestrated campaigns, and the erosion of wealth among our senior citizens. Let’s dive into the details.

The Developers’ Gambit

The UK property market has long been under the influence of major developers. These behemoths, along with the government and the Bank of England, have orchestrated a series of moves that have far-reaching consequences for everyday citizens. To give you a glimpse of the scale of this manipulation, consider this: there are currently over 1 million planning permissions across the UK that have been granted but remain unbuilt. Shockingly, a staggering 40% of planning permissions granted in London never see the light of day. This begs the question: why?

It’s clear that this is a calculated and, in many ways, illegal campaign by a small number of large developers. Their aim? To control the property market, keeping small developers at bay and ensuring property prices remain as high as possible. Year after year, they charge more for increasingly smaller living spaces, all while holding the keys to the kingdom.

The Government’s Role

The government, unfortunately, is not innocent in this game. Not only have they imposed fiscal drag on our income, but they’ve also allowed inflation to erode the death tax allowance. This allowance, which was once a substantial sum, has dwindled in value due to the relentless march of inflation and the ever-increasing property prices. It’s becoming apparent that the government is acting like a financial Grim Reaper, patiently waiting for the over-65s, who hold the majority of property wealth in the country, to pass away so they can get their hands on it.

The Bank of England’s Low-Interest Policy

Meanwhile, the Bank of England has played its part by keeping interest rates at unrealistically low levels for an extended period. While this might seem like a boon for borrowers, it has encouraged the entire nation to dive headfirst into a sea of debt. And now, with 14 consecutive interest rate rises in the past year, the time has come for the piper to be paid.

The Impact on Tenants and Businesses

The real question is: who is benefiting from these interest rate hikes? Certainly not the tenants and businesses that have been hit the hardest by them. The property market should not be a playground for taxation or corporate exploitation. It should exist primarily to provide housing for the British public, a goal that is increasingly distant.


In conclusion, it’s evident that the UK property market is in dire need of reform. The manipulation by major developers, the government’s fiscal policies, and the Bank of England’s low-interest rate strategy have all contributed to a system that no longer serves its fundamental purpose: to provide affordable and accessible housing for the people. It’s high time we address these issues and work towards a property market that benefits everyone, rather than a select few.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this matter. Thank you for joining me today, and I’ll see you next time. Bye for now!

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