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Antony Antoniou – Luxury Property Expert

May 2024

Labour will impose the greatest assault on property rights in living memory

Labour will impose the greatest assault on property rights in living memory

Labour will impose the greatest assault on property rights in living memory
Landlords are already treated as punchbags – it’s about to get worse
The Greatest Threat in Living Memory

Labour has come a long way since Jeremy Corbyn called for seizing empty luxury homes to house the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire and suggested extending the “Right to Buy” scheme to tenants of private landlords – a policy that would have essentially forced property owners to sell at a discounted rate. However, the party’s attitude towards property rights still poses a clear and present danger to homeowners, the housing market, and the broader UK economy.

UK house prices fall unexpectedly for second month in a row

UK house prices fall unexpectedly for second month in a row

UK house prices fall unexpectedly for second month in a row
Tumbling House Prices Raise Affordability Concerns
A Downward Spiral

UK house prices have unexpectedly declined for the second consecutive month in April, according to the building society Nationwide. This slowdown has been attributed to ‘affordability pressures’ stemming from high mortgage rates, casting a shadow over the traditional spring homebuying season.