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Antony Antoniou – Luxury Property Expert

Public Divided on Taxpayer-Funded Mortgage Bailout – New Data Reveals Insights

Public Divided on Taxpayer-Funded Mortgage Bailout – New Data Reveals Insights


A recent survey conducted by strategic insights and research agency Opinium sheds light on the sentiments of UK adults regarding a taxpayer-funded bailout for mortgage holders. The data reveals a striking divide among the public, with less than a quarter of respondents showing support for such a bailout. Additionally, only a small fraction believe that the government will reconsider its stance on this issue. In this blog post, we delve into the survey’s findings, examining the demographics and political affiliations that influence these opinions, while also exploring alternative avenues of support for those in need.

Majority Opposes a Taxpayer-Funded Bailout:

According to the Opinium survey, over half of UK adults, constituting 52% of respondents, are opposed to a taxpayer-funded bailout for mortgage holders. On the other hand, a mere 21% of the participants showed support for this financial assistance measure.

Differing Perceptions Across Age and Housing Status:

The survey revealed intriguing variations in opinions based on demographics. Young adults aged 18-24 and renters emerged as the groups most likely to seek government support. Conversely, older age groups, especially those aged 50-64 and 65+, were more inclined to oppose a taxpayer-funded bailout.

Support Favors Renters Over Mortgage Holders:

The respondents displayed a stronger inclination towards the government offering more support to renters, with nearly half (47%) advocating for this measure. Comparatively, just over a third (36%) of participants wanted the same level of support for mortgage holders. Surprisingly, even fewer respondents (19%) favored additional assistance for outright homeowners.

Changing Perceptions Among Voters:

The survey provided intriguing insights into the shifting political landscape driven by concerns over mortgages. Current Conservative voters showed the strongest opposition to a taxpayer-funded bailout, with 66% against the measure. In contrast, just 44% of current Labour voters opposed the bailout.

Impact on Voter Loyalty:

Interestingly, mortgage-related worries appear to influence voter behavior. Among those who voted for the Conservative party in the 2019 elections and are currently facing mortgage struggles or anticipate difficulty with rising rates, only 42% expressed intent to continue supporting the party. This finding suggests that concerns over mortgages may sway voter allegiances.

Calls for Responsible Lending:

A significant majority of participants (62%) feel that banks need to exercise greater responsibility in lending practices. Notably, current Conservative voters are more likely to support this notion (70%) compared to their Labour counterparts (61%).


The Opinium survey offers valuable insights into the UK public’s stance on a taxpayer-funded bailout for mortgage holders. With less than a quarter of respondents in favor, it is evident that such a measure lacks broad support. The survey also highlights the influence of demographics and political affiliations on public perceptions. As concerns about mortgages continue to influence voter behavior, political parties may need to address these issues more proactively.

In light of these findings, exploring tailored support packages for specific groups, such as young adults and renters, might be a more widely accepted alternative to a blanket bailout. Ultimately, the government’s response to these survey insights will play a crucial role in shaping public sentiment and addressing the needs of struggling mortgage holders in the future.

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