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Antony Antoniou – Luxury Property Expert

The Surge of No-Fault Evictions in England Sparks Urgent Calls for Renters Reform Bill


The specter of eviction looms large for renters in England as the number of no-fault eviction proceedings hits a six-year high, underscoring the need for immediate legislative action. Recent data released by the Ministry of Justice reveals a staggering 7,491 claims for no-fault evictions were brought to court between April and June, with the figure marking a disconcerting 35% increase from the same period last year. As the government’s renters reform bill is slowly making its way through the legislative process, campaigners are rallying for swift action to ensure renters’ rights are protected and the practice of no-fault evictions is finally abolished.

**The Soaring Numbers:**

According to official figures:

Court proceedings for no-fault evictions in England have reached a peak not witnessed since 2017. The 7,491 claims lodged between April and June indicate a stark 10% rise compared to the preceding quarter, highlighting the growing trend of tenants facing the risk of abrupt displacement from their homes. Alarmingly, during the same period, 2,228 no-fault evictions involving bailiffs were executed, marking a 41% year-on-year increase, albeit showing minimal change from the previous quarter in 2023.

**Campaigners Speak Up:**

With the alarming surge in no-fault eviction proceedings, advocates are emphasising the urgent need for comprehensive reforms in the rental sector. The renters reform bill, currently under parliamentary consideration, has gained renewed importance as it aims to prohibit no-fault evictions once and for all. Presently, under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988, landlords in England have the legal authority to demand tenants vacate their properties with just two months’ notice, without providing a reason. This provision, campaigners argue, has a chilling effect on tenants’ willingness to raise concerns about housing defects and maintain control over their housing security.

**Voices of Advocacy:**

Polly Neate, CEO of the housing charity Shelter, raises concerns about the exploitative use of the current system by landlords. She highlights instances where tenants struggling with rental hikes are unjustly slapped with no-fault eviction notices, further perpetuating instability. Neate asserts that “renters feel like they have zero control over their own lives because the threat of eviction is constantly hanging over them.” The gravity of the situation is palpable, prompting calls for immediate action.

Dan Wilson Craw, deputy CEO of Generation Rent, echoes Neate’s sentiments and emphasizes the multifaceted challenges renters face. Record numbers of evictions due to rent arrears and the displacement of tenants to make way for increased rents have pushed renters to the brink. The spiraling rents also make finding alternative housing a formidable challenge, forcing many to leave their hometowns or seek government assistance.

**Legislative Labyrinth:**

Despite the Conservative party’s promise to ban no-fault evictions in the 2019 election manifesto, progress has been sluggish. The renters reform bill had its first reading in May, yet a definitive date for the crucial second reading remains elusive. The earliest possibility for the second reading is September, post the parliamentary recess. Delays in the legislative process jeopardize the bill’s passage within the current parliamentary term, potentially delaying the ban on no-fault evictions for years.

**A Glimmer of Hope:**

As political shifts unfold, there is hope on the horizon. Both the Conservative and Labour parties have expressed interest in ending section 21 notices, indicating a growing consensus to address this pressing issue. The sheer volume of no-fault eviction claims since the 2019 election—54,724 section 21 claims—underscores the urgency for reform.


As England grapples with an alarming surge in no-fault eviction proceedings, the need for comprehensive renters’ rights reform has never been more evident. The record-breaking numbers serve as a clarion call for immediate action to end the practice of no-fault evictions and provide renters with the security and stability they deserve. With the renters reform bill slowly navigating its legislative journey, the hope is that lawmakers will heed the calls of advocates and pass crucial measures to safeguard the homes and well-being of millions of renters across the country.

I actually believe that these figures are NOWHERE NEAR the true numbers, who are now facing eviction. unofficial figures from various landlord sources indicate that there are as many as 1.2 MILLION Section 21 evictions in the pipeline!

The Government has made one the greatest errors in housing policy in recent history and it is both landlords and tenants who are paying the price. On the one hand, there are landlords in utter despair, frantically bailing-out, in fear of their overheads exceeding their income, which for many has already happened. There are many landlords who are now paying out more than they are receiving in rent, courtesy of the Section 24 tax rules followed by the rise in the base rate by a staggering 2000% in little over a year!

On the other hand, there are tenants who are the innocent victims of this national disaster, facing the brunt of rising rents, evictions and a rapidly decreasing volume of rental property for them to move in to.

The courts are backed up for months and months, in fact, the entire system has ground to a halt. This is an absolute disaster and it will invariably be a lasting legacy of failure by this and previous administrations, who neglected to implement an incremental and workable solution.

However, as detailed in my previous post, I am prepared to say in no uncertain terms, that the forthcoming ‘Renters Reform bill’ is a joke!

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