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Antony Antoniou – Luxury Property Expert

Where I stand on Education

Where I stand on Education

Rethinking Education: Exploring Alternative Learning Approaches


I want to delve into the topic of education, a subject that can be both subjective and controversial. My aim is not to find fault but to spark meaningful discussions about potential improvements. Drawing from personal experiences and fascinating experiments, I believe that there is room for another way, a better way, of educating our young minds.

The Struggle with Traditional Education

During my school days, I faced a significant challenge with concentration. I found it hard to engage with certain subjects, and my mind would wander away during seemingly boring lessons. However, I realized that the more complex the subject, the more engrossed I became. Despite this, no one took the time to investigate the root of my struggles or provide appropriate solutions. It was only much later in life when I pursued higher education as a mature student that I encountered new learning approaches.

The Inspiring Experiment of Sugata Mitra

One inspiring experiment that captivated my attention was conducted by an Indian professor named Sugata Mitra. He embedded a computer in a wall in a remote village in India, where children lacked access to formal education. Without any instructions, he simply left the computer for the children to explore on their own. In no time, the children were not only interacting with the computer but also teaching each other. This approach, termed the “Hole in the Wall” experiment, demonstrated the power of collaborative learning in fostering knowledge and skills.

The Magic of Group Interaction in Education

Another compelling experiment by Sugata Mitra involved the “Granny Cloud.” Volunteer elderly individuals interacted with small groups of children via video calls, acting as caring grandmothers who inquired about the children’s learning. The discussions that followed sparked true understanding and learning among the children. The results showed that a small group of children interacting and discussing collectively outperformed those learning individually, proving the significance of social interactions in education.

Moving Beyond Traditional Degrees

In today’s world, many young people are pressured to pursue degrees that may not align with their interests or career goals. This leads to a considerable amount of debt without a guarantee of employability. While certain fields like medicine, dentistry, and teaching do require specialized degrees, we should consider alternatives for other subjects. One such alternative is the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), which allows students to build up credits across various subjects. This way, students can switch paths without losing their progress and accumulate a qualification equivalent to a degree.

Encouraging a Shift in Educational Paradigm

As we reconsider our education system, I propose discussing options that empower students and align with their interests and career aspirations. By embracing collaborative learning and alternative qualification frameworks, we can create a more inclusive and relevant educational experience. Let’s encourage a shift away from drowning young minds in debt and instead focus on fostering knowledge, skills, and individual growth.


In conclusion, education is a vital aspect of every society, and we should continuously strive to make it better and more effective. By engaging in open conversations, exploring alternative approaches, and supporting students’ passions and interests, we can create an education system that truly nurtures young minds and prepares them for a brighter future.

I’m eager to hear your thoughts and feedback on this topic. Let’s work together to shape a better educational landscape for generations to come. Thank you for reading, and until next time, take care and have a wonderful day!

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